2nd Caribbean Spectrum Management Conference

Event Overview

The 2nd Caribbean Spectrum Management Conference will take place on 13 – 14 May 2025 in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad.

Registration is now available for the conference here.

Across 2 days attendees will have the opportunity to be involved in discussions on the key spectrum topics for the Caribbean region and beyond, through interactive sessions, networking opportunities, an exhibition area and much more.

This event is part of The Global Spectrum Series. The world’s largest collection of regional spectrum policy conferences. Click on the images on the right to find out more about the series and to view the photos from 2024.

Key Themes

Progress in regional caribbean spectrum coordination
Towards WRC-27 - the path ahead for the region
Delivering 5G - best practice & strategies ahead
The future of the 6GHz band
Spectrum for disaster relief & emergency communications
D2D, non-terrestrial networks & satellite services
Digital switchover & the UHF band
Tackling the digital divide

Previous Speakers Include


The Honourable Daryl Vaz MP

Minister of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport, Government of Jamaica


Maria Myers Hamilton

Managing Director
Spectrum Management Authority, Jamaica

Oscar_Leon-removebg-preview copy

Oscar Leon

Executive Secretary
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)


Alvin Augustin

Chairman, CTU Spectrum Management Task Force
Spectrum Officer, ECTEL


Nigel Cassimire

Deputy Secretary-General and Head of Regional Policy Development


George Malcolm

Director, Policy & Strategic Planning
SMA Jamaica


Ana Julia Marine López

Vice Minister of Communications
Mincom Cuba


Alberto Delgado

Director, Radio Spectrum, INDOTEL Dominican Republic


Kurleigh Prescod

Executive Officer, Technology & Engineering
Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)


Richard Womersley

Spectrum Manager
Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg), Cayman Islands


Carol Sosa Leguizamón

Spectrum Policy Director


Natalia Vicente

Vice President, Public Affairs


Jose Ayala

Director of Government and Industry Relations, Latin America


Ryan Johnson

Senior Director, Global Market Access & Government Affairs Lead, Latin America


Alex Epshteyn

Manager, International Regulatory Affairs and Spectrum Engineering
Amazon Kuiper


Melesia Sutherland



Giselle Creeser

Director, Spectrum Policy & Engineering


Jose Arias

Head of Global Policy and Market Enablement


Joe Ciaudelli

Director, Spectrum & Innovation


Charles Douglas


You can view the agenda in your preferred time zone by selecting it from the list below.
Day 1
Day 2
09:00 - 09:40
Keynote Presentations
09:40 - 10:45
Session 1: Towards a Unified Spectrum Strategy: Advancing Harmonisation in the Caribbean

With its diverse set of nations and territories and its specific geography, the Caribbean region faces unique challenges in harmonising spectrum management policies to avoid cross-border interference, ensure efficiency in resource use and foster a more integrated telecommunications market. This session will assess the progress made in regional spectrum coordination, the challenges faced in achieving harmonisation, and the way forward. We will discuss ongoing work, including updates from the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) Spectrum Management Taskforce on progress in developing the Caribbean Spectrum Management Policy Framework, and debate whether a fully harmonised framework is feasible given the national differences across the region.


  • How can regional harmonisation of spectrum management policies reduce cross-border interference and improve spectrum efficiency in the Caribbean? What economic benefits could it bring?
  • Are there particular policy areas, frequency bands, or other factors that should be prioritized in harmonization efforts, either due to their feasibility or their potential for significant impact?
  • What progress is being seen in developing a fully harmonised Caribbean Spectrum Management Policy Framework? What obstacles have delayed this, and how can these be overcome? 
  • Are there lessons to be learned from the success or failure of harmonisation efforts in the region to date, and how can these help to deliver on key objectives moving forward?
  • What different influences are seen in the region regarding spectrum policy from other geographical areas such as North America, Latin America and Europe, and how are these impacting harmonisation efforts in the Caribbean region?
  • How can the region work together to maximise its influence both in the Americas and on the global stage? What role can CTU play in this?
  • Can a truly harmonised framework ever be a reality, or are there too many national differences?
10:45 - 11:10
11:10 - 12:30
Session 2: Empowering the future – 5G strategies across Caribbean countries

As the Caribbean continues its journey toward 5G deployment, the region faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities. While some countries are making significant progress in rolling out 5G networks, others are still navigating the complexities of spectrum allocation, infrastructure readiness, and investment hurdles. Regulators must find a balance between planning for 5G adoption while still ensuring the optimization of existing 4G networks and other critical connectivity priorities. Beyond securing the necessary spectrum, factors such as financial investment, infrastructure development, site sharing, and fibre integration all play a key role in enabling a successful transition to next-generation connectivity. This discussion will explore the roadmap for 5G in the Caribbean, the business case for investment, and the lessons that can be drawn from global experiences to help shape an effective and sustainable strategy for the region.


  • What progress has been made in the 5G rollout in the Caribbean region, and who is leading the way? What is the roadmap ahead? 
  • How can Caribbean regulators balance the need to plan for 5G, whilst also considering the continued need to focus on optimization of 4G and other key priorities?
  • While securing the necessary spectrum is a key step in rolling out 5G services, what are the other critical obstacles hindering the widespread adoption of 5G in the Caribbean? Is it simply a matter of financial investment, or are there practical challenges such as infrastructure development, site sharing, and the integration of fiber networks into 5G deployment?
  • How can Caribbean regulators and operators collaborate to create a viable business case for 5G deployment, and what key advantages could this bring to the region?
  • What spectrum bands have been identified as pioneer 5G bands in the Caribbean region, and how much of this spectrum has been assigned to date?
  • Given the prevalence of fiber infrastructure across many Caribbean countries, to what extent does this reduce the immediate necessity for 5G, and how should operators and regulators balance the rollout of 5G with existing infrastructure to ensure cost-effective and widespread coverage?
  • What regulatory and policy incentives can Caribbean governments introduce to encourage operators to invest in 5G networks and infrastructure? 
  • What processes have been used to date to award and allocate 5G spectrum across the region? How successful have they been and what lessons can be learnt?
  • Are there lessons that Caribbean stakeholders can take from 5G deployment strategies in other parts of the Americas or globally, such as in Latin America or Asia-Pacific?
12:30 - 13:25
13:25 - 14:35
Session 3: Digital Switchover and UHF Spectrum: Progress, Plans, and Regional Coordination

The transition from analogue to digital television broadcasting, known as the Digital Switchover (DSO), is still ongoing across the region. And whilst some progress is being seen – countries such as Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago have made significant strides in transitioning to digital terrestrial television (DTT) – many others are still in the planning phases, facing technical, regulatory, and financial hurdles. This session will examine the progress and challenges of DSO in the Caribbean, exploring strategies to accelerate and coordinate digital transitions while ensuring a smooth and inclusive process for all stakeholders. It will also consider more broadly the future shape of the UHF spectrum across the region, exploring how it can be best employed to meet evolving needs of current users such as broadcast and Programme-Making and Special Events (PMSE), whilst also accommodating a growing demand from IMT.


  • What progress has been seen in countries like Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago regarding the Digital Switchover (DSO)? What challenges have they faced, and what lessons can other Caribbean nations learn from their experiences?
  • What progress in planning for DSO has been seen across the region more broadly, and what have the experiences been? How can nations accelerate their transitions to digital broadcasting, and what has been hindering this process to date? 
  • What challenges are faced in aligning processes, policy and infrastructure for DSO? How can governments, regulators, and industry stakeholders work together to overcome these challenges and ensure a smooth transition?
  • What global best practices can be applied to the Caribbean’s Digital switchover process? How can the Caribbean leverage international experiences to streamline its own transition?
  • To what extent has the rollout of fibre and cable networks reduced the demand for terrestrial broadcasting across the region, especially inn smaller territories, where there are often small populations spread across multiple islands? Does it still make sense to allocate UHF spectrum for TV services in all cases?
  • If the UHF spectrum is no longer needed for television broadcasting, what other uses could be explored for this valuable resource? 
  • How can the needs of Programme-Making and Special Events (PMSE) continue to be best accommodated within UHF spectrum, particularly as digital switchover creates more available bandwidth? What strategies can be employed to ensure PMSE’s continued access to the spectrum?
14:35 - 15:00
Refreshment Break
15:00 - 16:10
Session 4: Future of the Upper 6GHz Band in the Caribbean: Harmonisation and Emerging Trends

The discussion around the 6 GHz band, particularly the upper portion, is at the center of global spectrum policy debates. While some regions have moved toward allocating parts of the band for unlicensed use, others are still assessing the best approach to ensure long-term spectrum efficiency and future connectivity needs. In the Caribbean, the focus is not just on immediate allocation but on establishing a harmonised strategy for the use of the band that ensures flexibility, cross-border coordination, and alignment with global trends. This session will examine how perspectives on the future use of the band are evolving both within the Caribbean and globally. It will discuss the importance of a coordinated regional strategy and explore the most effective approach for the region to enable the long-term value of this key spectrum to be realised. 


  • What are the key trends shaping the global debate on the upper 6 GHz band, and how do they influence decision-making in the Caribbean?
  • What are the advantages and challenges of allocating the band for unlicensed use versus IMT deployment in the region? Should a more hybrid approach, such as that which is being proposed in Europe, also be a consideration?
  • How can the Caribbean balance the need for a harmonized regional approach while maintaining flexibility to meet national priorities?
  • What regulatory, policy and economic considerations should be taken into account to maximize the long-term value of this spectrum?
  • What are the next steps for regulators and stakeholders in defining a clear and sustainable strategy for this spectrum?
  • Looking ahead, what does the long-term optimal use of the 6GHz band look like for the Caribbean? How can it be used to drive digital transformation in the region while maintaining fair access for all users?
16:10 - 17:20
Session 5: Closing the Digital Divide – overcoming coverage and economic challenges

The digital divide remains a significant challenge in the Caribbean, with many societies and individuals still lacking access to essential digital services. While some progress has been made, large portions of the population remain unconnected, particularly in more remote and economically disadvantaged areas. This session will explore the most effective technologies and solutions, comparing the role of satellite, wireless, and fibre networks in reaching underserved areas. It will also examine how affordability, policy interventions, and Universal Service Funds can be leveraged to enhance accessibility, particularly for low-income populations. By analysing successful regional initiatives and global best practices, the session will highlight actionable steps to achieve universal and affordable connectivity across the Caribbean.


  • What progress is being made in bringing unconnected societies and individuals across the Caribbean online? Which countries have made the most progress, and what strategies have worked best in achieving these milestones?
  • What different technologies and solutions are available to deliver universal connectivity most efficiently and affordably? How do satellite, wireless, and fibre technologies compare in terms of cost, scalability, and reach in underserved areas?
  • Which countries and areas face the greatest challenges when it comes to tackling areas that are currently unserved or underserved in terms of connectivity? How do geographical, economic, and infrastructural barriers impact the ability to deliver coverage and internet access to these regions?
  • What role can Universal Services Funds play in helping to deliver a solution?
  • What are the main barriers that lead to individuals and societies that live in areas that technically have access to connectivity not making use of this and coming online? 
  • How big a factor is affordability? What policies, subsidies, or innovative business models could be used to reduce the cost of access for low-income populations?
  • How can spectrum policy best play a part in tackling the digital divide across the region? Is there more that could be done?
09:00 - 09:15
Setting the scene – WRC-27 preparations in Europe
09:15 - 10:25
Session 6: Towards WRC-27 – Regional Strategies and the Path Ahead for the Caribbean

As WRC-27 preparations gain momentum, the Caribbean region must take proactive steps to ensure its priorities are well represented on the global stage. While regional collaboration is already underway, questions remain about how best to coordinate efforts, amplify the Caribbean’s voice, and align with broader spectrum strategies across the Americas. This session will explore how Caribbean nations can work together to maximize their impact at WRC-27, navigate emerging spectrum trends, and ensure the best possible outcomes on key agenda items for the benefit of Caribbean stakeholders everywhere. 


  • What initiatives and work have already begun at the regional level in the Americas, and specifically within the Caribbean, in preparation for WRC-27? How are these efforts laying the groundwork for the region’s participation?
  • How can the Caribbean nations work together to ensure that their voice is heard? What lessons can be learnt from WRC-23, and should they be looking to get more involved in discussions at a CITEL level or unite behind the CTU flag?
  • How can the Caribbean align its interests with the broader Americas region to increase its influence at WRC-27? What areas of common ground can be identified, and how can the Caribbean capitalise on these to strengthen its position?
  • Of the 3 bands that are being studied to be identified for IM T use at WRC-27, focus across the Americas and globally seems to be moving towards the 7-8GHz band. What are the potential implications of this band being identified for IMT for the Caribbean region? How might this impact the future landscape of spectrum allocation in the Caribbean and the Americas? And to what extent should Caribbean regulators start preparing now for a potential shift?
  • Which WRC-27 agenda items are most relevant to the development of NTN in the Caribbean, and what steps should be taken to align regional priorities with global spectrum decisions? 
10:25 - 11:35
Session 7: Navigating the Future of NTN: Spectrum Policy and Licensing for Emerging Satellite Technologies

As satellite and non-terrestrial networks (NTN) rapidly evolve, regulators across the Caribbean must navigate complex spectrum management, licensing, and policy challenges to support innovation while ensuring fair access and efficient coexistence with existing services. The growing role of LEO, GEO, HAPS, and direct-to-device (D2D) satellite connectivity is transforming global communications, offering new opportunities for remote connectivity, disaster resilience, and broadband expansion. However, as these technologies advance, regulators must address spectrum allocation, licensing frameworks, and the integration of NTN into existing regulatory structures. This session will explore global best practices, assess emerging trends in NTN technologies, and examine how Caribbean policymakers can develop forward-looking frameworks to balance innovation, investment, and equitable access to spectrum.


  • What key satellite trends and innovation are being seen across different bands, and how might these impact decisions on spectrum policy in the Caribbean and elsewhere? 
  • What challenges and opportunities are currently being seen relating to emerging NTN technologies such as HAPS, LEO, GEO and D2D satellite connectivity?
  • What are the key challenges in developing efficient national licensing and authorisation frameworks for satellite services in the Caribbean, and how can they balance innovation, fair competition, and accessibility?
  • What examples of best practice in this area are being seen around the world, and what lessons can be taken?
  • What challenges do Caribbean regulators face in assigning spectrum for NTN, and how can these be addressed to encourage investment and innovation in satellite-based connectivity?
  • What specific spectrum allocation and management strategies are being proposed to meet the needs of D2D services, and how do they ensure coexistence with existing users?
  • How are HAPS and other non-terrestrial technologies being integrated into spectrum frameworks? What bands are most suitable for these new services in the Caribbean?
  • Whilst many decisions around NTN are going to be taken at WRC-27, how might rapid developments in D2D connectivity and NGSO constellations shape the ecosystem in the meantime? How can innovation be encouraged while ensuring temporary protections for all users until long-term solutions are established?
11:35 - 11:55
Refreshment Break
11:55 - 13:05
Session 8: The role of spectrum in the resilience of networks, disaster relief and emergency management

In Caribbean nations, telecommunications infrastructure faces significant vulnerabilities due to natural disasters. Telecommunications services, including satellite and hybrid networks, play a crucial role in disaster management by facilitating communication, coordination, and intelligence gathering during emergencies. This session will look at current approaches and bands used across the region for PPDR (public protection and disaster relief) networks and the work being done on coordinating across states and fostering closer collaboration. It will look at how the potential role that non-terrestrial services, including direct-to-device connectivity through satellite and HIBS, could help to strengthen network resilience in emergency and disaster relief situations, and more broadly, at how spectrum policy alongside both new and existing technologies can all be brought together to deliver the best possible PPDR communication network and ensure effective disaster response and recovery.


  • How can national and regional spectrum policy support the resilience and reliability of public safety and emergency communications networks in the Caribbean?
  • What spectrum bands are currently being used to provide PPDR networks across the region? What work is being done to harmonise the range of frequencies that are used across the region for PPDR services and ensure that legacy systems in the very low-frequency ranges are updated with wideband or broadband communications? What progress has been made?
  • What spectrum allocation priorities should be established to ensure that critical services have access to the spectrum they need during emergencies and disasters?
  • What measures can be taken to strengthen the resilience of satellite infrastructure and ensure the continuity of satellite-based communication services in the face of extreme weather events and other emergencies?
  • To what extent could emerging technologies such as direct-to-device (D2D), HIBS and HAPS play in helping to tackle connectivity issues during emergencies? 
  • How can regulators strike a balance between ensuring preparedness for emergencies and facilitating innovation and commercial deployment of innovative services in the region? 
  • What can be done to increase interoperability now and in the future? 
  • To what degree is the harmonisation of spectrum bands used by emergency response systems still needed in the region?
  • How are initiatives such as the ‘Smart Seas’ Project, led by CTU and TATT helping to identify gaps in maritime communications and enhance maritime disaster resilience in the Caribbean? What regulatory and spectrum related actions are being put in place as part of this?
13:05 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:40
Session 9: Spectrum Licensing, Pricing and Renewals Masterclass

As demand for 4G, 5G, and satellite communications grows across the Caribbean, regulators must ensure that spectrum pricing, licensing, and renewal frameworks are designed to promote investment, competition, and innovation while maintaining fair and efficient access. This masterclass will explore best practices in spectrum licencing and pricing, drawing from regional and international experiences to identify effective strategies for small island states and developing markets. It will also examine how regulators can balance revenue generation with affordability and accessibility, ensuring that pricing structures encourage network expansion and digital inclusion across the region.


  • How should spectrum pricing be structured to encourage investment in 4G, 5G, and satellite networks, while ensuring affordability for operators and end-users?
  • What challenges do small island states face in pricing and licensing spectrum, and how can they develop tailored approaches to reflect their unique market conditions?
  • How should regulators approach spectrum renewals to provide certainty for operators while maintaining flexibility to accommodate future technological advancements?
  • To what extent could blanket licensing support the growth of satellite connectivity in remote and underserved areas? What challenges could arise from adopting this approach and what safeguards would be needed to prevent spectrum congestion or interference?
  • How can Caribbean regulators balance revenue generation with competition and innovation, ensuring that pricing models support both economic sustainability and the digital transformation of the region?
14:40 - 15:50
Session 10: Future-Proofing Spectrum Policy – Balancing Innovation, Regulation and Flexibility

The swift advancement of technologies and an ever-increasing demand for spectrum means that regulators and Governments around the world are constantly working to maintain adaptive, flexible, and forward-thinking regulatory frameworks. Establishing future-proof spectrum policies is essential to drive innovation, align with global best practices, and support emerging technologies across both terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks. This session will explore global trends and best practices in spectrum regulation, examining how regulatory frameworks in the Caribbean and worldwide are evolving to meet the connectivity needs of key terrestrial and non-terrestrial technologies. It will look at the progress that has been made in revising spectrum policies in line with WRC-23 outcomes, and with increasing focus on meeting the needs of key vertical users, examine the approaches and bands around the world that are being used to provide a solution to this. By focussing on the situation across the region, as well as looking wider at ongoing initiatives for regional and international knowledge sharing, it will look at the best way forward for Caribbean policymakers to modernize spectrum frameworks to align with evolving technologies while maintaining stability and efficiency.


  • What key trends in spectrum regulation are influencing both global and Caribbean policies? How can the Caribbean region stay up to date with regional and international best practices, and where relevant, tailor them to enhance and modernize its regulatory framework? 
  • What progress has been made across the Caribbean in updating spectrum policies following WRC-23, and what are the key areas that still need attention?
  • How can it be ensured that spectrum frameworks and policies that are being implemented today are ‘future-proof’ and will be suitable for the technologies and systems of tomorrow? 
  • What proportion of spectrum in the region is currently allocated for licensed, unlicensed, and shared use? Is the distribution optimal, and how can the right balance be achieved?
  • How can Caribbean regulators develop frameworks that promote spectrum sharing between licensed and unlicensed users to support diverse IoT applications? What lessons can be drawn from global practices in spectrum sharing?
  • What are the most effective approaches and spectrum bands being used globally to support key vertical industries, and how can these be adapted for the Caribbean? Should the region be looking to dedicate specific spectrum for private localised networks, and if so then in which band?
  • How are Caribbean countries looking to adopt green practices in telecommunications, focusing on sustainable frequency management?
  • What work is taking place at a regional level to share best practices and learnings with other countries and regions? What benefits can be seen?
  • What lessons can the Caribbean learn from Africa’s experience in spectrum management, particularly regarding emerging technologies and regulatory approaches? 
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Organisers & Partners

Organised by


In partnership with

CTU logo 350x194

Hosted by

TATT Logo 350 x 194

Platinum Partners

GSA logo 350x194
GSOA 2025 updated logo

Knowledge Partners


Gold Partners

Echostar Logo 350x194

Event Background

Launched in 2024, and now in its 2nd year, The Caribbean Spectrum Management Conference has previously taken place in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

Over 200 delegates joined 2 days of discussions in Jamaica in May 2024. Watch the highlights from the two days, and catch up on the sessions below.

1st Caribbean Spectrum Management Conference

Event Information

Hyatt Regency Trinidad
1 Wrightson Road,
Port of Spain
Trinidad & Tobago

Frequently Asked Questions

The next edition of the conference is taking place in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad.

If you would like to enquire about our fellowship scheme for the event please contact spectrumcaribbean@forum-global.com.

You can find more information on the Global Spectrum Series here.


For more information on any aspect of this event, please contact Jordan Francombe using any of the following details:


Tel: +44 (0) 2920 783 072

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